"Self-determination in pregnancy, birth and early childhood - between desire and reality"
Conference 2025 ONLINE
36th Annual Conference of the ISPPM
February 1st 2025
Welcome to our International Online Conference on 1st of February 2025!
We are very pleased to welcome you to our conference "Self-determination in pregnancy, birth and early childhood - between desire and reality".
It is our heartfelt desire to share sound knowledge about long-term healthy human development, beginning with conception.
When the start of life is accompanied by challenges and stress, it is not only the mother or the child who is affected. The whole family system is affected. Couples who were deprived of their self-determination at birth often say: "If we had known this beforehand...". Self-determination is very important for them in the subsequent pregnancy.
Pioneers such as Eva Reich, Dr. Marina Marcovich and Prof. Dr. Otwin Linderkamp have long since put this knowledge into practice. However, some things in obstetrics seem to run counter to current knowledge about the conditions for positive birth experiences.
For the 100th anniversary. On the occasion of the 100th birthday of doctor Eva Reich, we are paying special attention to her outstanding contribution to body-oriented support in working with pregnant women, women in labor and young families. She has initiated many methodological approaches with her work: these include emotional first aid (EEH) and resource and body-oriented crisis support. The terms regulation and co-regulation were coined by her in particular.
When life begins with difficult conditions, such as a premature birth, a loving, attentive and respectful approach can prevent lasting traumatic effects. 30 years ago, Dr. Marina Marcovich and Prof. Dr. Otwin Linderkamp introduced relationship-based care for premature babies in German-speaking countries.
Many studies have shown that the approach in which premature babies have physical contact with their parents as early as possible promotes health and bonding.
We span the arc from these pioneers with their profound work in the prenatal field and their significance to the present day. In a large panel discussion on Sunday, we will analyze whether or not these important works have been integrated into obstetrics! Then there are also opposing developments to relationship-oriented support during pregnancy, birth and the first years of life.
In view of these different aspects, we will work out the current challenges for pregnant women and women giving birth as well as the tasks and goals for professionals who accompany them in this important phase of life.
Ticket purchase
We are now offering the Online Ticket for 60,- Euro.
Students and participants from eastern Europe pay 30,- Euro
All ticket prices plus local tax.
After a long period of preparation, we are very pleased to present the complete program for the Online Conference.
Together we want to share sound knowledge about long-term healthy human development from conception onwards.
9.00 a.m.
Kola Brönner, President of the ISPPM, together with Neşe Karabekir
Welcome and Opening of the conference
Saturday, 01.02.25
09.00 - 09.15 a.m. CET
09.15 a.m.
Paula Diederichs, translated by Donata Hoesch
Self-determination in early motherhood: psychological - physical - political
to the abstract10.00 a.m.
Prof. Dr. Sven Hildebrandt
Self-determination in pregnancy, birth and early childhood - between desire and reality
10.45 a.m.
Short break
Saturday, 01.02.25
09.15 - 11.00 a.m. CET
Saturday, 01.02.25
11.00 - 12:30 a.m. CET
Lunch break
Saturday, 01.02.25
12.30 - 01.30 p.m. CET
01.30 p.m.
Raylene Philips
“The impact of speech with preterm born Babys!”
to the abstract
02.15 p.m.
Prof. Dr. Otwin Linderkamp
"Family Centered Individualized Developmental Care"
to the abstract
Saturday, 01.02.25
01.30 - 03.00 p.m. CET
Coffee break
Saturday, 01.02.25
03.00 - 03.30 p.m. CET
03.30 p.m.
Simina Angelescu
The Challenges of early Parenthood
to the abstract
Saturday, 01.02.25
03.30 - 04.30 p.m. CET
04.30 p.m.
Dr. Ludwig Janus
Self-determination as a connection to the innate female maternal potential
to the abstract
05.15 p.m.
Amara Eckert
„Prenatal Play with children”
to the abstract ABSTRACT LINK
Saturday, 01.02.25
04.30 - 06.00 p.m. CET
Conclusion of the conference
Kola B. Brönner
Review, conclusion, exchange and outlook
Saturday, 01.02.25
06.00 - 06.30 p.m. CET
Find out more about the speakers at this year's annual conference
Kola Brönner
Qualified social worker, alternative practitioner
Kola Brönner
Qualified social worker, alternative practitioner
System constellator (recognized by and member of the DGfS),
Initiator and co-founder of the birth center Aachen 1997
Management of training courses in system constellations in Germany, Ireland and Spain
Co-founder (with partner Jochem Stienen) of the JoKo training institute 2006 Co-founder and director of the IGZ (Integrative Health Center) Aachen 2012
Chairwoman of the "Lahar" Association for Conscious Birth and Family e.V., 11 years as a trainer for birth preparers.
Since 2011 Portal www.geburtsakademie.de . Specialist training in pre- and perinatal (play) therapy and the book "Den Anfang heilen" (2019) together with Ilka-Maria Thurmann
Since 2012, together with my partner Jochem Stienen, I have been running the integrative health center (IGZ) where my practice is located.
President of the ISPPM since 2022.
- Email:Kola.Broenner@isppm.ngo
Dr. med. Ludwig Janus
Specialist in psychotherapeutic medicine, prenatal psychologist and psychohistorian
Dr. med. Ludwig Janus
Specialist in psychotherapeutic medicine, prenatal psychologist and psychohistorian
Publications on the history of prenatal psychology, psychohistory and prenatal psychology, see www.Ludwig-Janus.de.
Prof. Dr. Otwin Linderkamp
ehemals Leiter (Chefarzt) der Neonatologie der Universitätsklinik Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Otwin Linderkamp
ehemals Leiter (Chefarzt) der Neonatologie der Universitätsklinik Heidelberg
Leiter (Chefarzt) der Neonatologie der Universitätsklinik Heidelberg,
nach seiner Berentung leitender Arzt in Mutter-Kind-Einrichtung.
Einführung der familienfreundlichen und bindungsorientierten Pflege Frühgeborener, wissenschaftliche Arbeiten über die Vorteile des späten Abnabelns
Leiter des wissenschaftlichen Beirates ISPPM
Gründungsmitglied des Bundesverbandes „das frühgeborene Kind“
Geb. 1943, 4 Kinder
Prof. Dr. med. Sven Hildebrandt
Gynecologist, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Prof. Dr. med. Sven Hildebrandt
Gynecologist, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
1983 - 1989 Studied human medicine at the Charité in Berlin
1996 Gynaecologist in private practice - founded the Bühlau Obstetrics and Midwifery Practice in Dresden, Gynaecologist and midwife practice Bühlau in Dresden
2005 Founding president of the Dresden Academy for Individual Birth Support (DAfiGb)
2010 - 2016 President of the International Society for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPM)
2011 Lecturer at Innsbruck University of Applied Sciences in the Master's degree course in Midwifery
2013 Substitute professorship, since 2015 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Amara Eckert
Professor at University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Pedagogue, Coach, Psychomotrician and Body-Psychotherapist
Prof. Amara Eckert
Professor at University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Pedagogue, Coach, Psychomotrician and Body-Psychotherapist
Professor at University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt
Pedagogue, Coach, Psychomotrician and Body-Psychotherapist
- Researcher, lecturer and professor at University of Cologne, University Kiel,
University of Applied Science Darmstadt,
Maltepe University Istanbul/TR
- Further education and advanced trainings in different (psycho)therapeutic approaches. Therapeutic work with children and adults since 1980
- Lecturer at various institutes and NGOs in different countries for psychomotricity, trauma, prenatal and perinatal Psychology and Body Psychotherapy
- Coaching and supervision, board and leadership activities in various institutions
- Professional publications in German, English, Bulgarian and Turkish language
Neşe Karabekir
Psychodrama Therapist and Trainer Birth Psychologist
Neşe Karabekir
Psychodrama Therapist and Trainer Birth Psychologist
Paula Diederichs
Qualified social pedagogue
Paula Diederichs
Qualified social pedagogue
Head ofWIKK.eu/Berlin (further training institute for resource and body-oriented crisis support for the period of pregnancy, birth and early childhood: further training and supervision in Germany and Austria), co-development of the shaking trauma prevention concept of the Berlin Senate and head of the SchreiBabyAmbulanz Berlin Mitte, board work of the ISPPM and co-initiator of the Difficult Birth Helpline, author: Unser Baby schreit so viel /Kösel, lectureship at various universities
Simina Angelescu
Simina Angelescu
Raylene Philips
Associate Professor of Pediatrics/Neonatology, President of APPPAH
Raylene Philips
Associate Professor of Pediatrics/Neonatology, President of APPPAH
Raylene M. Phillips, MD, MA, FAAP, FABM, IBCLC
Associate Professor of Pediatrics/Neonatology
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Loma Linda, CA
Pediatric Department Chair
Medical Director, Neonatal Services
Loma Linda University Medical Center-Murrieta
Murrieta, CA
After raising three children as a stay-at-home mother, Dr. Phillips received a master’s degree in Developmental Psychology with a focus on mother-infant attachment, became NIDCAP certified as a Preterm Infant Developmental Specialist, and then attended medical school at University of California, Davis. She completed her Pediatric Residency and Neonatology Fellowship at Loma Linda University Children's Hospital in S. California.
She is currently the Pediatric Department Chair and Medical Director of Neonatal Services at Loma Linda University Medical Center-Murrieta and is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics/Neonatology at Loma Linda University School of Medicine. Dr. Phillips is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant, a Fellow of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, and is the Medical Director of Lactation & Breastfeeding at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital’s Level 4 NICU. She is a Past President of the National Perinatal Association (NPA) and is currently President of the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH), a global non-profit organization with a mission to support healthy infant-parent relationships before and after birth. Her passion is to honor and nurture the earliest connections between babies and their parents.
Donata Hoesch
Midwife, Translator
Donata Hoesch
Midwife, Translator
The 2024 online conference will be postponed to spring 2025!
With a revised concept, we look forward to presenting an English-language conference in the spring of 2025.
If you are interested, please fill in the form below.
We will keep you updated.
Buy your ticket now
We look forward to your online participation in this international conference.
Orders and payments are processed via digistore24.com.
Price plus VAT.
For participants from Eastern Europe and students, we offer online participation at discounted rates:
Join the conference now for only 30 euros. (Click here)
The prices mentioned are exclusive of local VAT.