Annual Conference 2018Touch shapes – from the beginningcritical touch in critical timesApril 5th to 7th, 2018 / Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
Annual confernce of ISPPM e.V.
30th annual conference
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Our Program
Venue, travelling & accommodation
Touch shapes – from the beginning
Critical touch in critical times
Touch shapes the child’s development from the beginning. From and with procreation there is touch. Nidation lives from embosoming touch. A supporting environment touches after birth. Young children discover the world through touch.
- Are babies, toddlers, and their families receiving enough support in accompanying, counseling, and therapy?
- What guidance can we offer to professionals to enable adaptation in the interest of healthy bio-psycho-social development to the rapid dynamics of social development?
- Do we engage critically and responsibly when touch disregards physical and emotional boundaries?
- Does our society live and teach a respectful culture of contact?
In early childhood we as skilled workers are challenged:
- Which touch is appropriate when accompanying of young families?
- How much may and should physical touch take place in psychotherapy?
- What type of touch is beneficial in daily life of child care facilities such as kindergarten
- Do we exchange ourselves in our profession and between the disciplines on an equal footing and let each other touch each other?
Let us discuss these complex issues with each other, take positions and look for answers.
What you can expect:
7 keynotes
Prof. Dr. Christian Schubert, Dipl. Päd. Ursula Henzinger, Prof. Dr. Amara Eckert, Dipl. Psych. Thomas Harms, Prof. Dr. Christiane Ludwig-Körner, Prof. Dr. Angelika Schöllhorn, PD Dr. phil. Donata Schoeller
optional: Pre- and post-congress workshops
e.g. post-congress workshop with Matthew Appleton
6 meetings of working groups
51 Workshops
Please see detailed program with the abstracts of all events. For some parallel events English translation can be provided
optional: Festive evening (at Mainau Island)
Festive evening (at Mainau Island)
conference fees
Conference ticket
EUR 275 (regular)
(for members of GAIMH-, ISPPM e.V.-, ISPPM (CH) and PHTG staff: EUR 205;
students: EUR 110)
The conference fee includes lunch and coffee break snacks.
>> Tip: Become a member of the ISPPM now and get a discount! <<
Day ticket (friday and staurday)
EUR 145
(students EUR 55)
Evening event on Friday
EUR 50
Some workshop fees will be charges separetly (e.g. pst congress workshop)
Do you want to participate?
We will be happy to welcome you at our confernce!
Do you have further questions? Please send an email to
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