Online Training Course “Prenatal Bonding Facilitator”

A Special Training Course for Midwives, Doulas, Bodytherapists, Gynecologists, Yoga Trainers And Members of All Professional Groups Taking Care of Pregnant Women Become a bonding facilitator to help mothers-to-be to develop their bonding capacity during pregnancy Concept modelled on the „Bonding Analysis“ as originally developed by Dr G. Hidas & Dr J. Raffai

Course Instructor: Christa Balkenhol-Wright Certified Bonding Facilitator, Regression and Hypnosis Mentoring, Psychological Consultant 

Course Dates: 5./12./19./26.11.21 and 3./10.12.21 


 – The extraordinary importance of PRENATAL BONDING
 – What do you learn in this course? The course participants practice self-awareness and self-perception in connection with their own pregnancy and birth; elements of regression therapy are being used.
 – History and development of „Bonding Analysis“
– Brief introduction to Prenatal Psychology
 – Detailed procedure of Bonding Analysis step by step
 – In-depth anamnesis pertaining to the pregnant woman’s own case history
 – Communication channels between mother and baby in utero.
 – Advantages of prenatal bonding and attachment for mother and baby.
– For whom is the bonding analysis recommendable and suitable?
– Devising a ficticious case history
– Bowlby’s attachment classification
– Possible bonding problems
– Prenatal Bonding – a method of prevention and generating salutogenesis
– Prenatal attachment and brain research
– Impact of maternal stress during pregnancy on the prenatal baby – How does the baby experience birth?
 – The lost twin syndrome
– Self-regulatory disorders of the newborn and their prenatal origins
 – Impact of „ART Technology“ (Assisted Reproduction Technology) on the prenatal baby’s psyche
 –    Role of mirror neurons
 –    Bonding capacity of the „prenatal“ father
 – Birth preparation
– Impact of the transmission of epigenetic structures from one generation to the next
 – Special support for women having experienced sexual abuse or any other form of violence.



07.Mar 2025


11:00 - 16:15




Christa Balkenhol-Wright
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