You will find literature in nine sub-categories, most of which has been compiled by ISPPM specialists in their professional and scientific activities. The wide range of topics, even within the individual categories, is an enrichment for those who want to grasp the complexities of becoming human. We therefore recommend that you also take a look at the other categories and the linked tables of contents at our in-house publisher Mattes. It is permitted to download pdf files from Mattes.
“Desire to have children – conception, procreation”
Auhagen-Stephanos Ute (2019) The discomfort with the culture of the new forms of
Reproduction. Article
Auhagen-Stephanos Ute (2017) The mother-embryo dialog. Fertility and infertility in the mirror of psychotherapy. Psychosocial
Auhagen-Stephanos Ute (2013) Mother-Embryo-Dialog. Audio book for women who want to have children and expectant mothers, 2 CDs Order
Auhagen-Stephanos Ute (2009) So that my baby stays. Dialogue with the embryo right from the start. Kösel
Auhagen-Stephanos Ute (2007) When the soul says no. Goldman
Bernhard Andreas (2014) Making children: New reproductive technologies and the order of the family. Sperm donors Surrogate mothers Artificial insemination. Fisherman
De Jong Maria Theresia, Thurmann Ilka-Maria (2008) Willkommen im Leben – Kinderwunsch und der bewusste Weg zur Elternschaft. Mabuse
German Ethics Council (ed.) 2016 Embryo donation, embryo adoption and parental responsibility. PieReg Print Center
Jenner Ottmar (2011) The book of arrival. Allegria
Käppeli Klaus (2015) Is everything feasible? – Artificial insemination with the eyes of the children. In: Hildebrandt Sven et al. (ed.) Pregnancy and birth shape your life. Mattes p. 83 ff
Katz Rothman Barbara (2012) Brave new world of reproduction. Texts on pregnancy, birth and genetic diagnostics. Mabuse
“Prenatal period – pregnancy”
Alberti Bettina (2005) The soul feels from the beginning. Kösel
Albrecht-Engel Ines, Albrecht Manfred (2006) Experiencing pregnancy and birth consciously month by month. Gräfe & Unzer
Behrmann Irene, Bös Ulrike (2013) The birth of my first child. Fidibus
Diederichs Paula, Bogensperger-Hezel Eva, Weiffen Anja (2017) Embodiment of femininity in the period of becoming and being a mother. In Krüger-Kirn Helga, Schroeter Bettina (2017) (eds) Psychosozial
Gross Werner (2003) What does the child experience in the womb? Herder
Harms Thomas (2018) (ed.) No fear of baby tears. Psychosocial
Hüther Gerald, Krens Inge (2007) The secret of the first nine months: our earliest imprints. Patmos
Janov Arthur (2012) Prenatal consciousness. The secret script that determines our lives. Scorpio
Janus Ludwig (2011) How the soul is created. Mattes on the book
Janus Ludwig (2000) The soul space of the unborn child. Walter
Jong Therese Maria de (2004) On dialog with the unborn. Fisherman
Klippel Heidekrüger Marita (2018) Life in the womb. Effects of prenatal stress experiences on later health. Fachverlag Heilpädagogik 4.2018 Lecture
Linder Rupert (2014) Encouraging maternity care. In Evertz Klaus, Janus Ludwig, Linder Rupert (eds.) Textbook of Prenatal Psychology. Mattes, Heidelberg. p. 597-609 to the article
Linder Rupert (2008) Love, pregnancy, conflict and resolution. Mattes on the book
Mayer-Lewis Birgit (2012) Ein Mensch bildet sich: Entwicklungspädagogische Betrachtungen zur vorgeburtlichen Lebensphase (Dissertation). Hamburg
McCarty Wendy Anne (2013) I am consciousness: Welcoming babies as holistic beings from the start. Inner world
Nixdorff Silke (2009) Salutogenesis and prenatal psychology. Mattes on the book
Piontelli Alessandra (1996) From Fetus to Child – The Origins of Psychic Life. Klett-Cotta
Renggli Franz (2018) Earliest experiences – a key to life. Psychosocial
Riecher-Rössler Anita (ed.) (2011) Psychische Erkrankungen in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit. Carger
Ruch Hanspeter (2001) Our history – our potential. How prenatal experiences and birth shape our lives. Via Nova to the book
Schindler Peter (ed.) (2011) At the beginning of life. Swabian
Schlochow, Barbara (2017) Wanted: My lost twin. Love and death at the beginning of life. From trauma to blessing. Books on Demand Norderstedt
Schlochow Barbara (2007) Der verlorene Zwilling. Zurich
Schlotz Sabine (2016) Bauchgeflüster: Experiences in the womb can change a person’s life.
a lifetime – and in the case of girls also a later pregnancy of their own and the
influence the prenatal mother-child relationship. Midwives forum
Schlotz Sabine (2015) Babybauchgeflüster: Pregnancy rituals for an intimate mother-child relationship. Triassic
Strack Hanna, Nienkerk Gunhild (2013) In good hope: A spiritual companion for pregnancy and birth. Tyrolia
Wilheim Joanna (1995) On the way to birth. Mattes on the book
“Attachment analysis”
Balkenhol Christa, Karrasch Christine(2017) (HG) Mit deiner Liebe wächst meine Seele – Leben und Erleben im Mutterleib. Consistency
Blazy Helga (ed.) (2019) Polyphonic currents. Presentation of new experiences from attachment analysis. Mattes on the book
Blazy Helga (ed.) (2016) Der Neuland Seefahrer beginnt die Reise.
Presentation of new experiences from attachment analysis. Mattes on the book
Blazy Helga (ed.) (2014) And in the beginning huge rooms . . . and there the baby appeared.
Reports from the intrauterine space. Mattes on the book
Blazy Helga (ed.) (2012) Conversations inside the womb. Intrauterine communication between mother and child. Mattes on the book
Blazy Helga (ed.) (2009) Like hearing an inner voice. Bonding in the prenatal space. Mattes on the book
Buchebner-Ferstl Sabine, Geserick Christine (2016) Prenatal relationship support. Documentation of experiences with the attachment analysis method. To the documentation
Burgard Silke (2015) Attachment as the key to life – the role of pregnancy and birth. Family ties publishing house
Hidas György, Raffai Jenö (2006) Umbilical cord of the soul. Pouring
König Marion (2019) When the uterus speaks. In: Blazy Helga (ed.) (2019) Polyphonic currents. Mattes on the book
König Marion (2018) Pregnant women with early experiences of sexual violence – possibilities of attachment analysis.
In: Balkenhol C, Karrasch Christine (eds.) With your love my soul grows. Zetel
König Marion (2016) Expectant mothers with experiences of abuse – possibilities of attachment analysis.
In: Blazy Helga (ed.) Der Neuland Seefahrer beginnt die Reise. Mattes on the book
Levend Helga, Janus Ludwig (2011) Attachment begins before birth. Mattes on the book
Raffai Jenö (2015) Collected essays. Development of attachment analysis. Mattes
Roos Stefanie (2017) Securely bound from the start. About the bachelor thesis
Schmid Brundhild (2015) The mother-child bonding analysis according to Raffai and Hidas as an element of midwifery work. About the master thesis
Schroth Gerhard (2015) Peri-/postpartum depression. A (primary) task of psychotherapy. In Psychotherapie Aktuell 2/2015. To the article
Hüther Gerald, Krens Inge (2007) The secret of the first nine months: our earliest imprints. Patmos
Weller Sabine, Linderkamp Otwin (2012) “Pas de Deux” in the womb: On the possible significance of maternal cardiac activity for the development of the child’s perceptual and interaction skills. Mattes
Verny Thomas R, Weintraub Pamela (2003) The baby of tomorrow, Rogner & Bernhard
“Premature babies”
Linderkamp Otwin (1994) A chance for lightweights. Ruperto Carola 1/1994: 20-25 University of Heidelberg
Linderkamp Otwin, Gharavi Bahman, Huppertz Christina, Schott Claus (2005) Can the effects of development-promoting care (NIDCAP®) be scientifically proven? In: Bundesverband “Das frühgeborene Kind” e.V. (ed.) Neue Wege gehen. Frankfurt, pp. 95-107 Information on the association Das früh geborene Kind e.V.
Linderkamp Otwin, Gharavi Bahman, Schott Claus: Working with premature babies. Part 1st German Midwifery Journal 2004; 1: 53-56 – Part 2nd German Midwifery Journal 2004; 2: 52-54.
Linderkamp Otwin (2004) Individual, low-stress care of premature babies in hospital. Gynecol Practice 29: 17-26
Marcovich Marina, de Jong Theresia Maria (2008) Premature babies: Too small to live? Security and love right from the start. Kösel
Ahrndt Mareile (2005) The labor handbook: When the child sets off on its journey. From the onset of labor to the afterpains. Autumnus
Behrmann Irene, Bös Ulrike (2013) The birth of my first child: Birth experiences, birth records and explanations of difficult births in the hospital. Fidibus
Deutscher Hebammenverband (Hg) (2012) Recommendations for trauma-sensitive support by midwives. Karlsruhe
Diederichs Paula, Mathea Sabrina, Weiffen Anja, (2016) Traumatic birth experiences of women and their effects on mother-child interaction. In Harms Thomas (ed) (2016) Body psychotherapy with infants and parents. Psychosocial
Diederichs Paula (2006) Does it matter when and how we are born?
Midwife Info Issue 05/2006
Emerson William (2020) Birth trauma. The effects of modern obstetrics on the human psyche. Mattes
Emerson William (2012) Shock: A Universal Malady. Prenatal and Perinatal Origins of Suffering. German translation plus 6 CDs with original lectures. Reference: Gerhard Schroth, Johannesstr. 22, 67246 Speyer
Hildebrandt Sven (2010) The birth style status as a complex problem of modern obstetrics. Mabuse to the article
Janus Ludwig, Haibach Sigrun (1997) Mental experience before and during childbirth. LinguaMed
Käppeli Klaus (2017) The caesarean section birth. In: Harms Thomas (ed.) Body Psychotherapy with Infants and Parents. Basics and practice. Mattes p. 91ff
Käppeli Klaus (2013) “Mommy, why did they just take me?” Natural labor and contraceptives in the experience of children and adults. Psychosozial 36th Volume, No. 134, Issue IV. Psychosozial
Käppeli Klaus (2012) The caesarean birth as experienced by the child. In: Hildebrandt Sven et al. (ed.) Roots of life. Prenatal psychology in the context of science, medicine, obstetrics and pastoral care. Mattes p. 174ff
Lenhard Doris (2019) Non-negotiable: birth without violence. Midwives’ Forum 11/2019 to the article
Odent Michel (2015) It does matter how we are born. Mabuse
Odent Michel (2014) Generation C-section: How modern childbirth practice is changing humanity. Kösel
Rockenschaub Alfred (2005) Gebären ohne Aberglauben: Fibel und Plädoyer für die Hebammenkunst. Facultas
Schlotz Sabine (2018) Tracing your own birth. German midwifery magazine, 6/2018
Simkin Penny, Klaus Phyllis (2015) When abused women become mothers, Stuttgart zum Artikel
“Early childhood”
Brisch Karl Heinz, Hellbrügge Theodor (eds.) (2012) Bindung und Trauma: Risiken und Schutzfaktoren für die Entwicklung von Kindern. Klett-Cotta
Brönner Kola B, Thurmann Ilka-Maria (2020)
Healing the beginning – pre- and perinatal (play) therapy. Mabuse
Diederichs Paula, Olbricht Vera (2002) Our baby cries so much. Kösel
Emerson William (2012) The treatment of birth trauma in infants and children. Mattes to the book
Harms Thomas (ed.) (2017) Born into the world – the new baby therapies. Psychosocial
Hurst-Prager Christina (2013) From inconsolable weeping… to peaceful being. A handbook for parents. Books on Demand
Klawitter Uta (2013) Was mein Baby bewegt: Die Entwicklung im ersten Jahr – beobachten, begreifen, begleiten. Kösel
Liem Torsten, Plothe Christof (2009) Pediatric osteopathy. Gentle touch in the first years of life. Knaur
Linderkamp Otwin, Steinacker Boris, Brüssau Jürgen (2005). Do separate sleeping and pacifiers reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome? Midwifery Forum 2:78-82
Renggli Franz (2020) Abandonment and fear – closeness and security. Psychosocial
Renz-Polster Herbert (2011) Menschenkinder Plädoyer für eine artgerechte Erziehung. Kösel
Stulz-Koller Antonia (2013) Lebensgewebe. In: Schindler, Peter (ed.): Am Anfang des Lebens. New body-therapeutic insights into our earliest imprints through pregnancy and birth. Schwabe p. 229 – 264
Stulz-Koller Antonia (2002) A safe house for Charly. International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine. Vol 14, Number 3/4, Mattes
Stulz-Koller Antonia (2013) On the art of kite tying. In: Janus Ludwig: The pre- and perinatal dimension in psychotherapy. Mattes
Terry Karlton (2014) From Crying and Cuddling, from Crying to Bliss: Understanding and Healing Babies. Jentzsch
“Psychotherapy – Psychosomatics”
Alberti Bettina (2005) The soul feels from the very beginning: How prenatal experiences shape our ability to relate. Kösel
Austermann Alfred R., Austermann Bettina (eds.) (2013) Ich habe meinen Zwilling verloren: Alleingeborene erzählen. A journey of discovery for seekers. The royal road
Behrmann Irene, Sturm Marianne (eds.) (2019) Life and birth. Mattes on the book
Behrmann Irene (2017) Back to life – experiences with outpatient regression therapy. Mattes about the book
Brisch Karl Heinz (2014) Attachment and psychosomatics. Velcro Cotta
Diederichs, Paula (2018) Nachtschreck, case description from the body-oriented crisis support of the Schreibabyambulanz Berlin. Psychosocial
Diederichs Paula, Mathea Sabrina, Weiffen Anja, (2016) Traumatic birth experiences of women and their effects on mother-child interaction. In Harms Thomas (ed.) Body Psychotherapy with Infants and Parents. Psychosocial
Diederichs Paula (2014) Caesarean section massage for the child and strengthening of maternal competence in the context of body psychotherapeutic crisis support. Yearbook of the ISPPM 2014
Eliacheff Caroline (2007) The child who wanted to be a cat. German Paperback Publisher
Haarmann Claudia (2012) Mothers are people too: What daughters and mothers should know about each other. Orlanda
Harms Thomas (ed.) (2017) Body psychotherapy with infants and parents. Psychosocial
Heller Laurence, Lapiere Aline (2012) Healing developmental trauma. Kösel
Hildebrandt Sven (2013) The psychosomatics of pregnancy and birth from the perspective of prenatal psychology. Psychosozial 36th Vol., Issue IV (No. 134): 84 – 88
Hochauf Renate (1999) Imaginative psychotherapy for early traumatized children. Int J of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine 11: 503-517
Hochauf Renate (1997) Early trauma and structural deficit – a psycho-analytical-imaginative approach to the treatment of early traumatization. Kröning
Hollweg Wolfgang (1995) Von der Wahrheit, die frei macht. Mattes on the book
Janov Arthur (1984) Early imprints. Fisherman
Jansen Fritz, Streit Uta (2015) Able to make physical contact: Body contact and body contact disorders – basics and therapy – babies, children & adults -IntraActPlus concept. Jumper
Janus Ludwig, Linderkamp Otwin, Djordjevic Dragana, Egloff Goetz (2020) Influences of the prenatal in psychosomatics and society. Gyn 25: 53-55
Janus Ludwig, Linderkamp Otwin, Djordjevic Dragana, Egloff Goetz (2019) Psychotherapy and society: the prenatal period is underestimated. German Medical Journal PP Issue 10: 456-457
Janus Ludwig (2015) Birth. Psychosocial
Janus Ludwig (ed.) (2013) The prenatal dimension in psychotherapy. Mattes on the book
Janus Ludwig (ed.) (1991) Manifestations of prenatal and perinatal experience in psychotherapeutic settings. Download from
Käppeli Klaus (2013) Experiences from therapeutic practice in the treatment of children and adolescents. In: Janus Ludwig (ed.) The prenatal dimension in psychotherapy. Mattes p. 55 ff
Käppeli Klaus (2012) Pre- and perinatal perspectives of somatic child psychotherapy. To the lecture
Klippel-Heidekrüger Marita (2019) Impairments of the mother/child unit during pregnancy and birth and subsequent effects on the child’s mental health. ISPPM Conference Fulda 2019 Lecture
Leitner Marina (1998) Freud, Rank and the consequences – a key conflict for psychoanalysis. Published by Turia and Kant
Linder Rupert, Janus Ludwig (2008) Psychological and psychosomatic aspects of pregnancy and childbirth. In: Wollmann-Wohlleben V, Nagel-Brotzler A, Kentenich H, Siedentopf F (eds.) Psychosomatisches Kompendium der Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe. Marseille
Nicon Luc (2015) Naturally free of fear: Feeling our body: dissolving fears and blockages permanently. Arbor
Nicon Luc (2011) Liberated from old patterns: Tipi – a body journey to the origin of our emotions and fears. Junfermann
Rank Otto (1998) The trauma of birth and its significance for psychoanalysis. Psychosocial
Rank Otto (2006) The analytical situation. In: Technique of Psychoanalysis. Psychosozial Publishing House
Rank Otto (1925) Art and artists. Psychosocial
Riecher-Rössler (ed.) (2011) Psychische Erkrankungen in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit. Basel
Renggli Franz (2013) The golden gateway to life: How our trauma from birth and pregnancy can heal. Arcana
Ruppert Franz (2014) Early trauma: pregnancy, birth and the first years of life. Klett-Cotta
Schindler Peter (ed.) (2011) At the beginning of life: New body-psychotherapeutic insights into our earliest imprints through pregnancy and birth. Basel
Schmid Barbara, Emerson William (2013) Miracles of Incarnation: A Handbook and Exercise Book for Prenatal Processes. Available from praxis.schmid(et)
Simkin Penny, Klaus Phyllis When abused women become mothers: The consequences of early sexual violence and therapeutic help. Klett-Cotta
Steinemann Evelyne (2007) The lost twin – How a prenatal loss can shape our lives. Kösel
Stettbacher Johann Konrad (1995) When suffering should have a meaning. Hoffmann and Campe
Stulz-Koller Antonia (2013) Lebensgewebe. In: Schindler Peter (ed.) Am Anfang des Lebens. New body-therapeutic insights into our earliest imprints through pregnancy and birth. Schwabe p. 229 – 264
Stulz-Koller Antonia (2013) On the art of kite tying. In: Janus Ludwig (ed.) The pre- and perinatal dimension in psychotherapy. Mattes
Thurmann Ilka-Maria (2015) Healing the caesarean section: Pre- and perinatal-based play therapy© according to Thurmann. Mabuse
Thurmann Ilka-Maria (2010) In the beginning there were two of us. Mabuse
“Cultural psychology”
Abramson Bruce (2004) According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children’s rights apply even before birth. Geneva: Day of General Discussion. To the presentation German-English
Alberti Bettina (2010) Mental wreckage: Born in the 50s and 60s. The post-war generation in the shadow of war trauma. Kösel
Blaffer-Hrdy Sarah (2010) Mothers and others: How evolution made us social creatures. Berlin Review Newsletter Archive 2/2011
Bronsky Alina, Wilk Denise (2016) Die Abschaffung der Mutter: Kontrolliert, manipuliert und abkassiert – warum es so nicht weitergehen darf. DVA
DeMause Lloyd (2000) What is psychohistory? Psychosocial
DeMause Lloyd (1998) Fundamentals of Psychohistory. Suhrkamp
Diederichs Paula, Bogensperger-Hezel Eva, Weiffen Anja (2017) Embodiment of femininity in the period of becoming and being a mother. In Krüger-Kirn Helga, Schroeter Bettina (eds.) Psychosozial
Donath Orna (2016) Regretting Motherhood: When Mothers Repent. Albrecht Knaus
Evertz Klaus, Janus Ludwig (eds.) (2002) Kunstanalyse – Ästhetische Erfahrung und frühe Lebenszeit. Mattes on the book
Evertz Klaus, Janus Ludwig (eds.) (2008) Art as cultural awareness of prenatal and birth experiences. Mattes on the book
Fabricius Johannes (2015) Alchemy – the origin of depth psychology. Comprehensive depth-psychological interpretation of the alchemical picture series as a reflection of prenatal experiences. Psychosocial
Flügge Sibylla (1998) Hebammen und heilkundige Frauen: Law and legal reality in the 15. and 16th century. Current field
Frenken Ralph (2016) Symbol Placenta: Prenatal Psychology of Art. Jumper
Graber Gustav-Hans (1924) The ambivalence of the child. Vienna Leipzig
Häsing Helga, Janus Ludwig (eds.) (1994) Ungewollte Kinder. Rowohlt
Hildebrandt Sven (2014) Relationship-led birth culture to prevent pre- and perinatally acquired health disorders. In: Evertz Klaus, Janus Ludwig, Linder Rupert (eds) Lehrbuch der Pränatalen Psychologie. Mattes on the book
Janus Ludwig (2020 ) Unfinished – Becoming – Creative. Basic structures of human existence. Mattes to the article
Janus Ludwig, Kurth Winfried, Reiß Heinrich J., Egloff Götz (eds.) (2019) The female-maternal dimension and the filial dimension in individual lives and in the course of human history. Yearbook for psychohistorical research volume 20. Mattes to the yearbook
Janus Ludwig (2018) Homo foetalis et sapiens.Mattes to the article
Janus Ludwig (ed.) (2013) The Psychology of Mental Development: From Archaic to Modern Consciousness.
Lit publishing house
Ludwig Janus (2020) Overview of the research and practice field of the psychological dimension of pregnancy and birth. To the article
Janus Ludwig (2009) Human history as a psychological development process. Mattes on the book
Janus Ludwig (ed.) (1991) The cultural processing of prenatal and perinatal experience. Order the book
Käppeli Klaus (2019): The school – the child’s birthplace and living space. Mattes
Langendorf Uwe, Kurth Winfried, Reiß Heinrich J. , Egloff Götz (eds.) (2011) Roots and barriers of relatedness. Yearbook for Psychohistorical Research Volume 12. Foreword
Maio Giovanni (2013) Farewell to joyful expectation. Leipzig
Manzke Hermann (1998) Does birth determine destiny? Lingen
Metz-Becker Marita (2019) The change in childbirth culture in the 20th century. The last rural midwives tell their stories. Research project lecture
Mulack Christa (2006) The maternity scam: From the unworthiness to the added value of motherhood. Web-Site. About the book
Nyssen Friedhelm, Janus Ludwig (eds.) (2002) Psychogenetic History of Childhood.
Psychosocial about the book
Renggli Franz (2001) The Origin of Fear – Ancient Myths and the Trauma of Birth. Walter
Portmann Adolf (1970) Does nature release man? Piper & Co.
Praetorius Ina, Stöckli Rainer (eds) (2011) We come naked into the light, we have no choice: Narrating birth, being born. 150 scenes from fine literature between 1760 and 2011. Appenzell review
Reiter Alfons (ed.) (2008) Prenatal roots of individuation. In memory of the life and work of Gustav Hans Graber. Mattes on the book
Schacht Johanna (2019) The prenatal psychological and matriarchal historical dimensions of money. In: Yearbook for Psychohistorical Research Volume 20. mattes to the article
Schacht Johanna (2017) Otto Gross and original sin in psychoanalysis. In: Attachment and birth in a transgenerational context. Mattes to the article
Schacht Johanna (2016) Attachment and birth in a transgenerational context. Mattes to the article
Schacht Johanna (2015) From the creative power of mother goddesses to fetal omnipotent gods: the developmental history of early advanced civilizations in Mesopotamia. In: Pregnancy and birth shape life, Mattes zum Artikel
Schacht Johanna (ed.) (2012) Europe means The Far-Sighted. Kindle to the book
Schacht Johanna (2012) Roots of humanity: The rediscovery of the maternal cultural stage. In: Roots of life. Prenatal psychology in the context of science, medicine, obstetrics and pastoral care. Mattes to the article
Schacht Johanna (2008) Gartenkunsttherapie: Kunsttherapeutische Potenziale eines archetypischen Topos. In: Janus Ludwig, Evertz Klaus (eds.): Kunst als kulturelles Bewusstsein vorgeburtlicher und geburtlicher Erfahrungen. Mattes on the book
Schepper Anna Margarita (2013) The social in the prenatal. Ergon
Schiefenhövel Wulf et al (eds.) 1995 Gebären – Ethnomedizinische Perspektiven und neue Wege. Berlin
Schmelcher Antje (2014) Feindbild Mutterglück: Warum Muttersein und Emanzipation kein Widerspruch ist. orell füssli review
Schües Christina (2016) Philosophy of being born. Alber to the book
Senior Jennifer (2014) Heaven and hell: The dilemma of modern parenthood. No + But
Sloterdijk Peter (1993) Weltfremdheit. Suhrkamp
Sloterdijk Peter (2004) Spheres I, Spheres II, Spheres III, Suhrkamp
Strack Hanna (2014) Spiritual Journey to the Womb: Discover, Marvel, Appreciate. AT Edition
Tiedemann Kirsten (2013) Hebammen im Dritten Reich: Über die Standesorganisation für Hebammen und ihre Berufspolitik. Mabuse
Verny Thomas R, Weintraub Pamela (2003) The baby of tomorrow. Rogner & Bernhard
“Collected works”
Egloff Goetz, Djordjevic Dragana (eds) (2020) Pre- and Postnatal Psychology. Nova Science Publ., Hauppage N.Y., USA
Book reference
Evertz Klaus, Janus Ludwig, Linder Rupert (eds) (2020) Handbook of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology – Integrating Research and Practice. Springer book reference
Graber Gustav-Hans (1978) Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. I – IV. Pinel
Janus Ludwig, Evertz Klaus, Linder Rupert (eds) (2014) Lehrbuch der Pränatalen Psychologie. Mattes on the book
Janus Ludwig (ed.) (2013) The prenatal dimension in psychosomatic medicine. Journal: psychosozial. Psychosocial
Yearbooks for psychohistorical research Mattes to the directory