Birth psychotherapist is a new role during the labour. We have prenatal and perinatal psychologists. But what about if there is a need for psychological support during the birth in the hospital and home birth setting. Birth psychotherapist can work alone or birth team with doctor, Midwife and doula. Her main role is doing psychotherapeutic sessions before birth and during birth. Of course prenatal and postnatal periods are always important. But there is always a missing point about labour time. So she supports not only birthing mother/father and also birth team.
In this talk you can see the role of birth psychotherapist in the birth with no regret team in Istanbul Turkey last 10 years.
Die Vermittlung einer wissenschaftlichen und praxisbezogenen Pränatalen und Perinatalen Psychologie eröffnet Fachpersonen in pädagogischen, psychologischen und medizinischen Handlungsfeldern einen erweiterten Blick auf die Geburtskultur. Mit Veröffentlichungen, Fort-/Ausbildungen, Tagungen und Kongressen wird umfangreiches Forschungs- und Erfahrungswissen zur Verfügung gestellt.
International Society for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine – ISPPM e.V.
Sudetenstr. 7
65527 Niedernhausen
Telefon: +49 6431 2809732